However, Yuuko's sister was so influenced by the people, she believed them to be right. To avoid choosing, he planned on leaving the town for a time. Also the only way to lift this curse was for Yuuko's father, the Priest at the time, to sacrifice that who was closest to him which was one of his daughters. Due to this the townspeople became very antagonistic towards the Kanoe family. According to popular belief, the plague was caused by the gods as The Kanoe family who was supposed to perform a certain ritual for the gods, had neglected their duties. At this point Yuuko decides to accept her shadow half and she tells Teiichi her reason for remaining on earth 60 years ago there was a plague in the town. When they discover 6 of the seven mysteries, Yuuko's sister (now, an old woman) reveals that there were only ever 6: the Seventh one mystery never existed. If she can accept this part of her, she can remember why she still is trapped as a ghost, i.e. It is discovered that Yuuko has no memories as she forced her entire reason for existing into another dark form referred to as "Shadow Yuuko". Throughout the story, Teiichi and Yuuko discover the truth about these ghost stories while helping those who are troubled. Teiichi then decides to investigate her death by looking through the school's seven mysteries revolving around her. When he gets lost in one of the school's old buildings, he meets a girl named Yuuko Kanoe who reveals herself as a ghost with no memories. The story revolves around a first-year middle school student, Teiichi Niiya who had just enrolled at Seikyou Private Academy. One can see them only if believing in the ghost's existence - but depending on one's expectations and knowledge, what they see will vary greatly: from Yuuko's true form (as she sees herself and was before she died) to a demonic entity. In the series, a 'Ghost' is formed from the person's regrets while they were alive. Since her body and regrets are tied to the school, she is unable to leave the school grounds even if she wanted to. The School was built over an old shrine, which is where Yuuko died.

Many of them overlap and mix with each other, resulting in an unintentional maze-like structure, within which the untrained can easily lose their way. The story takes place at Seikyou Private Academy: an extremely old school with several buildings, each built at different points in history without care for the existing architecture.